Qualitätskontrolle der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Andrologie
I cannot log on!
Access to the QuaDeGA portal is via the web address https://evaluation.quadega.de/
To gain entry to the portal a “Center ID” and “password” are required, both of which can be found on the letter accompanying the test samples.
The “Center ID” is your participant’s number minus the “TN” prefix. So for laboratory “TN-200” their Center ID is “200”.
Your password is in the confirmation letter you received after registration and in the letter accompanying each distribution .
Please note: the password contains both upper and lower case letters which must be entered accordingly. Once issued, the password cannot be changed.
When I try to log in I get an error message:
Please check whether your Center ID and password are entered correctly. In particular keep in mind that the password contains both upper and lower case letters and must be entered as such. If the problem persists, please inform us and we will try and resolve the issue as quickly as possible.
I have not ordered samples. Why have I received them?
Once you register with QuaDeGA, test material is automatically sent to you each spring and autumn. The precise dates of future rounds are listed on the QuaDeGA homepage and a few weeks prior to the samples being delivered, an email is sent informing you of the upcoming test.
We would like to remind you that participation in the external quality control scheme is required by the guidelines of the German Federal Medical Board (RiLiBÄK), however should you wish to withdraw from QuaDeGA, please refer to the following section.
We did not refrigerate the sample prior to analysis. Are they still usable?
The samples provided by QuaDeGA are processed prior to delivery to ensure they arrive in the best possible condition. Although refrigeration upon arrival is recommended, our processing is such that barring unforeseeable circumstances, samples kept at room temperature should not be unduly affected.
I cannot view the films for sperm motility evaluation. The computer does not recognize the film file.
Viewing the videos requires any of the media players provided by the most commonly used browsers (e.g. Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome or Internet Explorer). These players are freely available and easily downloadable. The choice of which player to use depends upon which you prefer and what is provided by your browser (please refer to the help section of your browser of choice for more information). What must be remembered is that the players need to be regularly updated for optimal performance.
Do I need special material for carrying out the quality control?
The quality control trial is intended to oversee the methods by which you routinely perform semen analysis. It is therefore important that you use the same materials and methods for the QuaDeGA samples as you do for your patient samples.
We recommend that all analyses be performed according to the WHO guidelines. These are listed in the current WHO manual, a copy of which can be downloaded from the WHO website (for details please refer to the section above)
Amongst the more important recommendations we would like to highlight that:
Pre-dilution for measuring sperm concentration should be performed using only WHO recommended diluents
The Neubauer improved counting chamber should be used.
Papanicolaou or Shorr stains should be employed for morphology assessment
Of the rapid staining procedures the most suitable is Diff-Quik.
We do not have a laboratory mixer (Vortex). Can we work without such equipment?
In an emergency, samples can be mixed without a Vortex, by shaking them vigorously by hand. This, however, is not ideal. As the consistency of patient samples varies substantially, some of which may require intensive mixing, the purchase of a shaker/mixer is strongly recommended.
Can I use a white-blood-cell pipette?
The quantity of test material provided is too small for an accurate aliquot to be delivered using a white-blood-cell pipette. As such they should not be used.
For QuaDeGA’s trials, as for daily use, we recommend the method of aliquoting and determination of sperm concentration detailed in the WHO guidelines. For more details please refer to the latest WHO manual (see next section)
For morphology evaluation, are the delivered slides fixed?
The samples provided by QuaDeGA are processed so that they are in the best possible condition when delivered to you. To maintain the rigour of the evaluation, they should be treated as if they were native samples provided by two patients attending your laboratory. Consequently if it is your routine procedure to fix samples prior to staining for the assessment of sperm morphology, then they should be treated the same way.
Do I have to dilute the samples for measuring concentration?
The purpose of QuaDeGA is to show how the assessment obtained by a laboratory using its routine procedures compares with those of specific reference laboratories and those of the entire cohort of participants. As such the trial samples should be treated exactly as the samples collected from patients attending your laboratory. If it is routine for you to pre-dilute samples prior to counting then do the same for the QuaDeGA samples.
How can I obtain the WHO laboratory manual?
The manual is available electronically and can be freely downloaded from the WHO website:
or you can order it: ISBN 978–3-642–21122-5
I cannot enter my results. The system does not store the data. Why?
The most common causes for this problem are:
Data Entry. Each result can be entered only as a number (i.e. no unit or percentage sign) with a maximum space allowing for a precision of two decimal places (i.e. two spaces after the decimal point). Consequently, only numbers should be entered that have been rounded off to the second decimal.
Method Entry: For the result to be acceptable the method by which it was obtained must be indicated. If the method used is not amongst those listed, then the descriptor “other” should be chosen from the pulldown menu.
Not all fields have been completed: If you choose not to participate in the assessment of one (or more) of the test parameters, please remove the check mark (X) from the box (on the right of the screen) which is next to the entry window of the respective parameter(s).
How do I know that the data has been successfully uploaded onto the internet platform? Why is there no confirmation email?
The successful entry of your data will be followed by the message “Data stored”. If you are uncertain as to whether the data was successfully uploaded, open the form again and your results should appear as entered. If this is not the case, enter the information again, taking care that all the fields are completed and that no error messages appear. Should the data still not upload, contact us and we will do our best to rectify the problem.
How are the target values determined?
Target values ​​are derived from a cohort of laboratories that strictly adhere to the WHO guidelines. A “target window” is constructed centred on the median and extending to the 2.5 to 97.5 percentile of the results for each parameter obtained by these “reference” laboratories. This target window is represented as a rectangular box in the results graph and numerically ​​in the summary table.
How is the graph to be interpreted?
The graph represents the results in the form of a Youden plot with the X axis corresponding to the results of sample A and the Y axis those of sample B. Thus, the point at which the two meet is a graphical representation of both results obtained by a laboratory for that particular parameter. The point representing the results of your laboratory is highlighted in red for ease of identification. The position of the point, relative to all others and the target window, provides the means of determining a laboratory’s performance. If the point is within the window, then the results for both samples were within the acceptable range. If it is outside then an error exists (i.e. above = overestimation; below = underestimation).
How are the results transmitted?
Once a trial is completed each laboratory’s results are listed on QuaDeGA’s internet portal (https://evaluation.quadega.de) and can be accessed as per the normal logging-in procedure. As confidentiality and anonymity of our participants is of utmost importance, other than the administrators of the program, the results of each laboratory are only accessible to the actual participant.
Upon the conclusion of each QuaDeGA run, your certificate is automatically deposited on the internetportal, when you log-in again.
I no longer wish to participate in the QuaDeGA quality control scheme. What must I do?
To terminate your participation in QuaDeGA all that is necessary is for a brief, signed letter stating your wish to discontinue your involvement in the program to reach us two weeks prior to the beginning of the next trial. Please note if your intention to withdraw does not reach us prior to the commencement of a cycle and the samples have already been sent, then you will be billed for the trial.